Our goal is to empower our clients to achieve their highest personal potential.
We focus on daily living and pre-vocational skills to improve each individual’s level of independence. Individual assessments are completed by our team of staff therapists to develop each individual’s programming plan.
Programs includes: activities of daily living, communication development, physical & occupational therapy, speech & language therapy, music therapy, snoezelen therapy, recreational therapy with adapted sports leagues, leisure activities, aromatherapy, aquatic therapy in our on-site pool, and more.
We also offer a wide range of daily community outings for resident and day client participation. Each participant selects at least two outings per month to attend.
Staff ensures that residents and community clients receive a well-rounded host of experiences that afford them optimum growth opportunities.
In the classroom, staff to participant ratio is 1:5 with a developmental instructor and developmental trainers. Staff nurses are on-site to address medical needs.
Tuition for Community Day Services varies upon each individual’s circumstances
For information, call Marklund at 630-593-5500.