GP-20.0-HIPPA_Confidentiality Privacy Rule

GP-23.3 Compliance and Ethics Program

GP-7.01 Abuse and Neglect Policy


Table of Contents- HR P&P-rev.pdf



1-2 Human Resources Policies and Procedures.pdf
2-1 EEO.ADA.pdf
2-1-1 Diversity.pdf
2-2-1 Employment Classifications.pdf
2-2-3 IHR.pdf
2-3-1 Employee Recruitment and Selection.pdf
2-3-2 Job Posting and Transfers.pdf
2-3-3 Hiring Process.pdf
2-4 Employee Orientation & Continuing Education.pdf
3-1 Job Descriptions.pdf
3-2 Performance Appraisals.pdf
3–2-1 Leadership Performance Appraisals
3-2-3 Smoke Free Empl disc action.pdf
3-2-5 CPR Certification.pdf
3-2-7 (Repaired) First Aid Certification.pdf
3-3-11 Video Surveillance.pdf
3-3-2 Employee Physical.pdf
3-3-3 Workers Compensation(revised).pdf
3-3-4 Aids-HIV Infection in the Workplace.pdf
3-3-6 Background Check.pdf
3-3-7 Workplace Violence.pdf
3-3-8 Employment Drug Testing.pdf
3-3-9 Light Duty.pdf
3-4 Attendance and Tardiness
3-5 rev Developmental Action.pdf
3-6 rev Employee Grievance.pdf
3-7 Employee Records.pdf
3-7-1 I-9 Form.pdf
3-8-2 Requesting Time Off.pdf  
3-8-3 Lay Off-Pay & Benefit Continuation.pdf
3-9 rev Terminations.pdf
3-10-1 Employee Recognition Programs.pdf
3-10-2rev Payroll.pdf
3-10-4 Tuition Reimbursement.pdf
3-11 Solicitation-Distribution-Bulletin Board.pdf
3-12 Dress Code and Appearance Policy.pdf
3-12-1 Fragrance policy
3-13 Parking.pdf
3-14 Employee Identification Tags.pdf
3-15 Confidential Information.pdf
3-16 Six-day Work Week.pdf
3-17 Meal Breaks and Rest Periods.pdf
3-19 Harassment.pdf
3-21 Seniority.pdf
3-23 90 Day Probationary Period.pdf
3-24 Telephone Usage.pdf
3-24-1 Cellular Phones.pdf
3-25 Status Change Authorization.pdf
3-26-1 Personal Cell Phones.pdf 
3-27 (email).pdf
4-0 Executive Compensation
4-1-1 Overtime Compensation.pdf
4-1-2 Differential Policy.pdf
4-1-3 Time Cards.pdf
4-1-4 Pay Periods-Paydays.pdf
4-1-5 Payroll Questions.pdf
4-1-6 Official Time Changes.pdf
4-1-9 rev Reimbursement of Travel Expenses.pdf
4-2 Holiday Pay.pdf
4-3 Annual Merit Increases.pdf
4-4-1 Continuing Education.pdf
5-1-1 PTO (revised).pdf
5-1-3 Jury Duty.pdf
5-1-7 Extended Sick Bank (ESB)
5-3-1 Medical Leave of Absence (revised).pdf
5-3-2 Personal Leave of Absence (NON-FMLA).pdf
5-3-3 Military Leave of Absence Active Duty.pdf
5-3-4 Leave for victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence.pdf
5-3-5 Family Military Leave of Absence
5-7 Professional Liability Insurance.pdf
5-8 Employee Travel Insurance.pdf
5-9 Voluntary Transfer of Employee Vested PTO Time.pdf
5-10-1 Equal Pay Act.pdf
5-11 Summer Flextime Hours
6.0 – HR Policy Confidentiality Privacy Rule (HIPPA)
6-1 Hybrid Work
6-2 Claire Haverkampf Commemorative Award
6-3 Service Awards and Retirement Gifts
6-5 Open Door Policy
6-6 Family Bereavement Leave Act (FBLA) Policy
6-8 NEC Bridge Builder Personal Vehicle Policy
6-9 Resident-Client-Student Care Policy
7-1 Driving Policy
7-2 Workplace Bullying
7-3 Agency Staff Orientation and Training