For media inquiries, contact Dawn Lassiter-Brueske, Chief Communications Officer, at 630-593-5467 or 630-429-8461.


Markund media policies:

No client or staff member may be interviewed or photographed without permission of the Chief Communications Officer or a representative of the Marketing Department.

Due to respect for our clients and following HIPAA regulations, it is the policy of this organization not to publicize the last names of our clients or students. We therefore refer to them in all publications or media situations as their first name and last initial or simply by first name.


Marklund Publications

Click here to see pdfs of current Marklund publications.


Solicitation Notice

PLEASE NOTE: If you encounter anyone who is soliciting on behalf of Marklund, with the exception of persons selling subscriptions to the Daily Herald, please notify the authorities. Those selling subscriptions must be able to prove they are working for the Daily Herald and must only accept payment for the subscriptions not donations to Marklund. Marklund receives 50 cents for each subscription sold by those soliciting within the Daily Herald/Marklund partnership. Anyone wishing to make a donation to Marklund should do so through the website or mail.